1. Will all presentations at New York Build be written by AI?
No. New York Build will feature 350+ speakers across 12 conference tracks. Only 4 of these conference sessions featuring 20 speakers will be produced by AI.
2. Why are you doing this?
As the organizers of New York Build, we always strive to push the boundaries of how we organize events.
ChatGPT since its release in November has taken the world by storm and offers remarkable opportunities for the events industry.
We now want to put to the test whether AI can successfully produce conferences and to what level of expertise it can do so in comparison to a human being.
We will assess to what extent AI can create quality and meaningful content at conferences and uncover how it can improve the overall experience of attendees.
3. How much does it cost to attend?
Tickets to New York Build are free and can be booked here.
4. Will Results / Feedback from the Summit be Made Public?
Yes. Post-Summit we will be providing detailed feedback and assessment from speakers and attendees on the Summit.
The role of AI in the events industry is in its early development. We hope the feedback we provide can benefit the tech industry and events professionals for the ongoing development and application of AI in the events industry.