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Shamim Rashid-Sumar

Shamim Rashid-Sumar

Senior Vice President, Codes and Standards, NRMCA

Shamim Rashid-Sumar, P.E., FSFPE is a fire protection engineer and Senior Vice President, Codes and Standards at NRMCA.  Shamim is a Fellow of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers and a member SFPE Board of Directors, where she currently serves as President-Elect.  Shamim is a principal member of several NFPA Technical Committees, the ACI 216 Committee on Fire Resistance and Fire Protection of Structures, ACI 560 Committee on Design and Construction with Insulating Concrete Forms, ASTM E05 Committee on Fire Standards, the ICC Performance Code, and the ICC Multi-Hazard Resiliency for Residential Construction Committee.  Shamim currently serves as President of the Alliance for Concrete Codes and Standards.


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