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Mark Drozdov MS, SSM, CUSP, CES, EnvSP

Mark Drozdov MS, SSM, CUSP, CES, EnvSP

Co-Founder, Creative Environment Solutions (CES) Corp.

Mark Drozdov, MS, SSM, CUSP, CES, EnvSP - Environmental Health & Safety + Sustainability (EHS+S) Standards Subject Matter Expert (SME) with over 30 years of Industry Experience. Mark co-founded Creative Environment Solutions (CES) Corp. with 120+ employees in NYC, acquired by BSI Group, a 120+ year international standards organization. He successfully executed a diverse range of notable projects worldwide, including hazard identification/remediation engineering, industrial hygiene, risk assessment, compliance audits, certification training curriculum development, and implementation.

University Professor at The Cooper Union for Advancement of Science & Art, Stevens Institute of Technology, Rutgers University School of Public Health, and is also EPA, OSHA, NY/NJ DOH, DOL, & DOB approved. His publications include The Construction Executive on Risk Management, AIHA's Synergist on IAQ, IEQ & Sustainability, "From Best Practice to Policy", and "LEED-Gold Cert Challenges" also quoted in Crain's NY Business and RE Weekly. Trusted advisor to public and private sector clients, Mark is known to effectively select products and processes that are environmentally responsible and sustainable.

Mark a recipient of Awards and Commendations, s/a MTA's Yankee Stadium Station, First US Green Bus Depo, Crisis Response at Ground Zero, Hurricane Sandy, and Back-to-Work Safely. American Institute of Architects (AIA) and American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Experts' Panels presenter for the Significant EHS+S issues s/a PALMS (PCBs/Pandemic, Asbestos/Arsenic, Lead/Legionella, Mold/Metals, Silica/Safety/Sustainability), and NYC DOB INNOVATION CHALLENGE Finalist


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