Madeleine Eggers
Senior Computational Designer,
Madeleine Metawati Eggers is a senior computational designer at KPF, known for her expertise in parametric modeling, complex panelization, and rationalizing intricate building exteriors to optimize buildability on KPF's large-scale. ambitious projects. As a core member of the KPF computational design team, she has worked with leadership to guide the computational design team’s role in the office as collaborators in the design process. Before joining KPF, Madeleine held a faculty teaching position at Cornell University’s department of Architecture, along with the Hunter R. Rawlings III Presidential Research Scholarship. As a lead researcher with specialization in robotic fabrication in the Sabin Design Lab at Cornell University’s department of Architecture, she has spearheaded several innovative design research projects dealing with non-standard, material-driven 3D printing strategies using ABB six-axis robots.