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Levon Whyte, PMP, CEM, LEED Green Associate

Levon Whyte, PMP, CEM, LEED Green Associate

Project Manager, AECOM

As a Project Manager and the Building Decarbonization Lead in the Energy group at AECOM Metro New York, Levon currently oversees the Local Law 97 Energy Assessment and Planning Services portfolio. He has extensive experience in energy technology assessment, decarbonization strategies, grid demand reduction, energy auditing, and post-construction measurement and verification (M&V). Levon has also led many energy efficiency program planning and evaluation efforts for New York’s utilities and state agencies, including Avangrid NY, National Grid, Con Edison, and New York State Energy Research & Development (NYSERDA). He earned a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Technology, Jamaica and a Master of Science in Technical Entrepreneurship and Management from the University of Rochester. 


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