Krystal Peartree-McLean
Krystal Peartree-McLean is the Director of Workforce and Contactor Diversity (WCD) at L+M Development Partners. She brings 10-years’ experience to the position and leads the organization’s M/WBE and Workforce efforts. Krystal has shaped L+M’s M/WBE and Workforce program and designed it to provide internal and external compliance training for staff and subcontractors and enforce compliance requirements for all publicly funded projects. She has also focused on increasing contracting opportunities for M/WBEs and creating innovative M/WBE and workforce initiatives driven by program data.
Prior to joining L+M 2017, Krystal worked for nonprofits, including Enterprise Community Partners and The NYC Business Solutions Center, as well as a public servant overseeing and managing M/WBE programs and compliance for commuter railways and water utility at the NYS MTA-Department of Diversity and Civil Rights and the NYC Department of Environmental Protection. Krystal has a Bachelor of Communications from Penn State University and a Master’s in Urban Planning from the Pratt Institute. She has continued her education and training of the real estate and development industry through Project REAP and is a graduate of the New York Spring 2019 cohort. Krystal is currently pursuing certification as a Certified Compliance Officer through the American Contract Compliance Association (ACCA).