Kedishia Joseph
Architecture Student,
Spitzer school of Architecture
Meet Kedishia Joseph, hailing from the beautiful Island of Grenada. I have always believed in creating a legacy that my family and I will be proud of. and with a career in architecture I hope to affect positive changes within the built environment and be the voice for those who are often voiceless within minority communities. Currently I am in my third year pursuing a BArch degree at Spitzer School of Architecture at CCNY. I am Vice President for the National Organization of Minority Students, Media Chair at New York Chapter of Noma, Helping others, advocating for equality, and pushing the boundaries of success are a few of the qualities I possess and strive to cultivate daily. One of my favorite mantras that I say to myself is to not be afraid to take risks that require one to stand out from the crowd, for these changes are necessary to get one out of their comfort zone and to push forward to achieve one's goal. Remember, Be proud, be bold, and be deliberate in your pursuit to achieve success. Love and embrace your differences while accepting change and being open to diversity within the field and society.