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Joseph Ackroyd, PE, CFM

Joseph Ackroyd, PE, CFM

Assistant Commissioner for Technical Affairs & Code Development, NYC Department of Buildings

Joseph Ackroyd, Professional Engineer and Certified Floodplain Manager, serves as Assistant Commissioner for Technical Affairs & Code Development at the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB). He is distinguished in the examination of soil and other stability factors that support the load of new structures above and below ground, making his voice important in the remediation of coastal hazards and flood risk throughout the City.

At DOB, Joseph provides technical expertise and manages a team of design professionals who ensure safe construction. He is the chair of DOB’s Buildings Code Revision Committee and sits on the International Code Council (ICC) Committee where he is part of the team that updates the Building Code to mirror trends in construction and safety. As a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 24 Committee, Joseph provides valuable natural disaster insight.

While working to meet the new demands of our environment and a growing real estate boom, Joseph continues the much-needed work of Code compliance.



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