Gina Bocra, RA
Gina Bocra, RA, LEED AP BD+C/ID+C, is Chief Sustainability Officer at the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB). She brings over 20 years of experience in sustainable design, assisted with the technical development of multiple LEED rating systems, a subject matter expert on three LEED exams, and was a founding interim-officer of the National Capital Region US Green Building Council Chapter.
At DOB, Gina focuses on the implementation of New York City’s Greater, Greener Buildings Plan, which addresses benchmarking, energy codes, audits and retro-commissioning, and lighting and sub metering. She leads a DOB team of specialists charged with developing procedures to enforce the Energy Code and supporting continued development of the New York City Building Code to accommodate advances in sustainability.
Gina serves as the DOB liaison to New York City’s Solar America Cities partnership led by the City University of New York and is appointed to the NY State Code Council Green Advisory Working Group.