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Constadino 'Gus' Sirakis, PE

Constadino 'Gus' Sirakis, PE

Deputy Commissioner for Development & Technical Affairs, NYC Department of Buildings

Constadino ‘Gus’ Sirakis, Professional Engineer, serves as First Deputy Commissioner at the New York City Department of Buildings (DOB). His work spans several decades of improving construction standards and ensuring compliance to the Building Code.

At DOB, Gus established the Concrete Enforcement Unit for the regulation of concrete testing laboratories, visiting active construction sites to analyze concrete construction practices from formwork to site-safety protocols. In addition, he led the first revision cycle of the 2008 NYC Construction Codes to update the Structural and Special Inspection requirements for new technology, materials, and national standards in what became the 2014 NYC Construction Codes. Most recently he spearheaded the team to revise the City’s current codes in what will become the 2022 NYC Construction Codes.

Respected by colleagues and the industry alike, Gus is the recipient of multiple awards and has served with distinction on the International Code Council (ICC) since 2007.




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