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Christine Marez

Christine Marez

Vice President of Energy and Sustainability, Cumming Corporation

Christine is the Vice President of Energy for Cumming worldwide and currently oversees the delivery of energy and sustainability services for projects in education, commercial, industrial, healthcare, retail, and hospitality sectors. She is an electrical engineer and a LEED Accredited Professional (AP) and Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP) with extensive experience developing and managing projects in the sustainability areas of conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy, resiliency, and climate action.

Christine has over 30 years of experience managing large capital public works programs and commercial projects, and 11 years of experience in electric utility design and construction. She oversees a team of professional engineers, certified energy managers, energy auditors, sustainability managers, and commissioning experts and oversees Cumming’s portfolio of energy services contracts including the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation, and several other public and private clients. She served as the Inspector General for the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD) and her firm was
contracted to provide oversight, audit and investigation services for the $7 Billion LACCD-BUILD Bond Construction Program.

Prior experience also includes fifteen years working for the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power and the Department of Building and Safety, City of Los Angeles. Ms. Marez gained experience as a design engineer for electrical power distribution systems and equipment and as a Project Manager heading project teams for general facility projects ranging from $5 to $15 million.


Ms. Marez received her Electrical Engineering degree for California State University, Los Angeles in 1988. She previously attended New Mexico State University majoring in civil and electrical engineering. Ms. Marez is a Certified Inspector General (CIG) of the Association of Inspectors General (AIG), and a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, Accredited Professional (LEED AP), and an ENVISION Sustainability Professional (ENV SP).



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