NYC to Require ‘Bird-Friendly' Glass and Other Materials for New Construction
This legislation is for the birds!
If an effort to cut down on the hundreds of thousands of birds killed yearly by accidentally ramming into buildings, the City Council on Tuesday voted 43-3 to pass legislation requiring “bird-friendly” glass to be included on all new Big Apple construction.
The bill by Councilman Rafael Espinal (D-Brooklyn) will require that at least 90 percent of the first 75 feet of any new building be constructed with materials that birds can see, including glass with a pattern or glazing.
Up to 230,000 birds are killed yearly by flying into buildings in the city, according to New York City Audubon.
“This is a staggering statistic especially when we have a solution ready to go that can save the many lives of this vital part of our ecosystem,” Espinal said.
Some other cities – including San Francisco – have already passed similar rules, but New York City will be the largest.
This bill also requires the installation of bird-friendly materials where exterior walls are adjacent to a green roof system, and on certain installations that create hazards for birds, including glass awnings, handrails, windbreak panels, acoustic barriers and parallel glass panels.